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ASA - Airman Certification Standards (ACS) - Instrument Rating

ASA - Airman Certification Standards (ACS) - Instrument Rating

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Achieve your instrument rating with confidence using the ASA - Airman Certification Standards (ACS) - Instrument Rating. This essential guide is designed for students, instructors, and FAA designated examiners, outlining everything applicants need to know, do, and consider to pass their FAA Knowledge Exam and practical (checkride) for earning an instrument rating. Effective June 2019, the ACS incorporates task-specific knowledge and risk management elements into each Area of Operation and Task, providing a comprehensive and integrated approach to certification.

Key Features:

  • Comprehensive Standards: Integrates knowledge, risk management, and flight proficiency standards required for the instrument rating.
  • Task-Specific Elements: Each Area of Operation and Task includes specific knowledge and risk management components, ensuring a thorough understanding and preparation.
  • Updated Guidelines: Reflects the latest standards and procedures as of June 2019, ensuring you have the most current information.
  • User-Friendly Format: Designed for easy navigation and quick reference, making it an ideal study companion for both knowledge and practical tests.
  • For Students, Instructors, and Examiners: Essential for anyone involved in the process of earning or administering the instrument rating certification.


  • Effective Date: June 2019
  • Format: Softcover
  • Content: Comprehensive standards for knowledge, risk management, and flight proficiency
  • Target Audience: Students, instructors, FAA designated examiners

Prepare thoroughly for your instrument rating with the ASA - Airman Certification Standards (ACS) - Instrument Rating. This guide ensures you meet all FAA requirements and excel in both your knowledge exam and practical test.

Be sure to visit our Pilot Shop at KTMB (Miami Executive Airport)

14150 Southwest 129th Street - Miami, FL 33186

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